Due to Labor Day, the Gastronomic Festival will be closed to the public the following days:
Sunday 01 May
Monday 02 May
Thank you for your support.
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Malaysia. Suite 20-05, 20th floor. Menara Tan & Tan, 207 Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur Telephone: +(603) 21633444/45 Fax: +(603) 21636819 Email: info@venezuela.org.my
jueves, 28 de abril de 2011
lunes, 25 de abril de 2011
Venezuelan - Malaysian music ensemble
Wednesday 27th April
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Cafe Bunga Raya, Aswara,
464, Jalan Tun Ismail, KL.
Venezuelan music rhythms and songs that embrace diversity is a remarkable cultural performance by students from the National Academy of Arts, Culture and Heritage (ASWARA) and salsa band "Venezuela Pura". They will be singing and playing pieces of the famous Venezuelan composers Hugo Blanco, Otilio Galíndez, Simón Díaz and Serenata Guayanesa. Some of these compositions will be played on a "cuatro", the most popular Venezuelan instrument, with orchid, "merengue", calypso and "pasage" beats.
Come and enjoy with us...
Schedule for Cultural Performances, at the Venezuelan Gastronomic Festival
Thursday 28th April
8:00 pm till 8:45 pm
Venezuela Pura, Latin band
Friday 29th April
8:00 pm till 8:45 pm
Venezuela Pura, Latin band
Saturday 30th April
8:00 pm till 8:45 pm
Venezuela Pura, Latin band
Thursday 5th May
8:00 pm till 8:45 pm
Venezuela Pura, Latin band
Friday 6th May
8:00 pm till 8:30 pm
Venezuelan Malaysia Music Ensemble with ASWARA Students
Saturday 7th May
8:00 pm till 8:30 pm
Venezuelan Malaysia Music Ensemble with ASWARA Students
Sunday 8th May
11:00 am till 3:00 pm
Venezuelan Malaysia Music Ensemble with ASWARA Students
Venezuela Pura, Latin band
domingo, 24 de abril de 2011
Venezuelan Party
Date: Saturday 23rd April
Time: 9:00 pm to 2:30 am
Venue: Modesto's @ CapSquare, Lot G-02,G-03&G-03A, Ground Floor, CapSquare Centre, Nº.7, Persiaran CapSquare, Kuala Lumpur
Coordinate: 3°09'18"N
Contact: 03 2697 4020 / 4021 (Modesto’s) / 03 2163 3444 / 45 (Embassy of Venezuela)
Once again, Malaysians had fun the Venezuelan way by enjoying the best of Salsa music and the signature ‘¡Hora Loca!’ (Crazy Hour). A live band coupled with spectacular music selections by a Latin DJ will make the night unforgettable! Lucky draws, the Venezuelan explosive drink ‘Guarapita’ and the enchantment of the Caribbean beats also filled the night with remarkable moments to remember.
Venezuelan Gastronomic Festival
Date: From 20th April till 8th May
Lunch: 12:00 m to 2:30 pm. Monday to Friday
Dinner: 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm. Monday to Saturday
Venue: Samplings On The Fourteen Restaurant, Level 14th, East Wing, Berjaya Times Square. Kuala Lumpur
Coordinate: 3°08'31.86"N
For reservations kindly contact: 03 21178131 (Restaurant)
Photographic Exhibition "Enchanted Land" faces, landscapes, traditions and goddess by Lil Quintero
Date: From 20th April till 8th May
Time: 10:00 am to 10:00 pm
Venue: Berjaya Times Square, Lower Ground Floor, Central Zone (in front of Cold Storage), 1 Jalan Imbi, Kuala Lumpur
Coordinate: 3°08'31.86"N
Contact: 03 2163 3444 / 3445 (Embassy of Venezuela)
The exhibition features photographs of people, traditions and landscapes by Venezuelan photographer Lil Quintero. It exhibits the soul of the country, discovered through images taken from the modesty of an eye that seeks only to convey the beauty, richness and intrinsic value of a territory, its inhabitants, their mystical powers, and splendor. With experience in corporate and cultural journalism, Quintero has worked with major cultural institutions and has had her photographs published in major Venezuelan newspapers and magazines. She has written and personally staged theatrical works by herself, which are now being developed mainly into photography.
sábado, 16 de abril de 2011
Media promotion
You may find the link below, enjoy:
Thank you very much for coming and celebrate with us...
Thank you very much for coming and celebrate with us...
jueves, 14 de abril de 2011
Exhiben ‘Al Sur de la Frontera’ en la Universidad Nacional (Nota de Prensa)
Exhiben ‘Al Sur de la Frontera’ en la Universidad Nacional
Malasios conmemoran victoria popular del 13 de abril de 2002
Kuala Lumpur, 14 de abril de 2011.- Con un cine foro sobre el documental ‘Al Sur de la Frontera’, la Embajada de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en Malasia, el Grupo de Solidaridad con Venezuela y el Instituto de Estudios Occidentales de la Universidad Nacional Malasia celebraron el noveno aniversario de la revuelta popular que regresó al poder al Presidente Hugo Chávez tras el breve pero sangriento golpe de estado de abril de 2002.
El campus de la Universidad Nacional Malasia (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) sirvió de marco para el encuentro que contó con la presencia de los embajadores de Cuba, Ecuador y Argentina, representantes de las embajadas de Brasil, Chile, México y Uruguay, así como decenas de estudiantes de pre y posgrado, investigadores y académicos de distintas casas de estudio, y el público general que asistió con el interés de conocer sobre la otra Latinoamérica que no muestran las grandes cadenas mediáticas.
La discusión se centró en el papel que han jugado los medios de comunicación social, llamados por los presentes como “máquinas de guerra”, en la defensa de los intereses del imperio y de las grandes corporaciones, y en la lucha desigual pero aguerrida de los pueblos. “En septiembre de 1973 lograron derrocar a Allende, pero en abril de 2002 fracasaron cuando trataron de tumbar al presidente Chávez, cuyo poder fuera restituido por el mismo pueblo”, destacó el académico y activista social Chandra Muzaffar, presidente del Grupo de Solidaridad con Venezuela y quien actuó de moderador del cine foro.
Los mecanismos para la integración, específicamente el ALBA y la UNASUR fueron abordados como ejemplos a seguir en Asia y Medio Oriente en la lucha contra las políticas neoliberales e intervencionistas que se tratan de imponer a los pueblos del sur.
Por su parte, Manuel Guzmán, embajador de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en Malasia, resaltó el compromiso con la inclusión social y con la integración de la región por parte de los líderes latinoamericanos que han mostrado con su testimonio en el film de Oliver Stone la otra cara de la moneda. Recalcó así mismo que los grandes protagonistas de los cambios “al sur de la frontera”, son los pueblos que ya no se dejan manipular tan fácilmente por los grandes medios de comunicación controlados por los enemigos de ese cambio que vive América Latina. Pueblos que no sólo han decidido elegir a líderes con real compromiso con los eternos excluidos, sino que han sabido tomar las calles para hacer respetar esa decisión.
La intervención militar en Libia, Irak y Afganistán; los continuos ataques contra el pueblo palestino; la injusta liberación del terrorista Posada Carriles; la amenaza de las bases militares estadounidenses en Colombia; el largo historial de invasiones a las naciones del sur, fueron otros aspectos que se discutieron durante este encuentro que marcó el inicio de la Sexta Semana de Venezuela en Malasia.
El ciclo de foros continuará el jueves 21 de abril con otro cine foro que se organizará en el Instituto de Estudios Diplomáticos de Malasia; mientras que el jueves 28 de abril se celebrará un almuerzo de trabajo y conferencia organizada en conjunto con el Portal de Cooperacion Sur Sur del Ministerio de Comunicación y Cultura de Malasia sobre “Economía Internacional: los retos y éxitos del Sur” que será dictada por Alfredo Toro Hardy, Embajador de Venezuela en Singapur, quien viajará a Kuala Lumpur para hacer una presentación a funcionarios gubernamentales, diplomáticos, académicos, periodistas y público en general.
Venezuelan-Malaysian music ensemble
Venezuelan-Malaysian music ensemble
Date: Saturday 16th April
Time: 11:00 am to 11:30 m
Venue: Institute of Diplomacy & Foreign Relations (Charity Bazaar), Kuala Lumpur
Contact: 03 2163 3444 / 3445 (Embassy of Venezuela)
For general public
Date: Friday 6th, Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th May
Time: 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Venue: Samplings On The Fourteen Restaurant, Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur
For guests of the Gastronomy Festival
Date: Wednesday 27th April
Time: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Venue: Cafe Bunga Raya, ASWARA. 464 Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur
Tell: 03 2697 1777 / 5916
For general public
In an effort to promote our culture among the Malaysian community, the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Malaysia and the Akademi Seni Budaya Dan Warisan Kebangsaan - ASWARA (National Academy of Arts, Culture, and Heritage), are pleased to present “Venezuelan music rhythms and songs that embrace diversity”, a remarkable cultural performance which will allow you to enjoy the best of Venezuelan music beautifully presented by Asian and Venezuelan instruments.
ASWARA students will be singing and playing pieces of the famous Venezuelan composers Hugo Blanco, Otilio Galíndez, Simón Díaz and Serenata Guayanesa. Some of these compositions will be played by ‘cuatro’, the most popular Venezuelan instrument with orchid, ‘merengue’, calypso and ‘pasage’ beats.
Wisma Putra International Charity Bazaar 2011
Date: Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th April 2011
Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Venue: Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Jalan Wisma Putra, Kuala Lumpur
Coordinate: 3° 08' 01.75" N
10° 42' 09.46" E
Contact: 03 2149 1000 / 1007 (IDFR)
Email: infokiosk@idfr.gov.my
Venezuelan culture and history, flavours and rhythms will be present at this activity organized by the Institute of Diplomacy & Foreign Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia. The embassy staff will be pleased to extend the Venezuelan and Latin flavor to all those attending the themed area ‘Global Village’, at a booth to celebrate the bicentennial of our independence, with continuous activities for the kids and the general public as well. Venezuela is also here in ‘World Cuisine’ introducing the most typical dishes representative dishes from our kitchen and a demonstration of traditional music in the sector called ‘Small World’. Food, history and music, this will be an event for the whole family.
Movie forum: “South of the Border” and Photographic Exhibition “Beautiful Plains of Venezuela” by Rodrigo Benavides
The main purpose of this forum is to enhance the discussion and exchange of ideas between the academic community, diplomats and members of the Venezuelan Solidarity Group.
Below you may find some photographs of the event.
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